Summer vacation was suppose to be a lovely 6 weeks for me to keep up on the blog, take lots of fun and creative pictures, and really spend some quality time with Peyton. Ok, so I spent a TON of time with Peyton (some days I would argue that I spent
too much time with her, but most days I could have spent
more hours with her!).... and I took some pictures... but this whole blog thing? Um yeah, that didn't happen. Nor did the creative and fun pictures... such is life.
Peyton and I are back to school full-time and we are struggling to get into the routine. Our mornings over the summer were lazy- laying in bed watching cartoons, snuggling, reading stories... not so anymore! I get up first (I consider it the butt crack of dawn, but since Josh has left the house and is at work by the time I wake up, I won't make that remark!). I try to get myself ready as much as possible before waking Peyton up at 6:30. She sits in our bed and watches cartoons for a few minutes while I finish my make-up or hair... or get dressed... whatever I haven't accomplished yet. By about 6:45 I sit down to get Peyton dressed and comb out her hair. Usually if she is a little distracted I can throw a ponytail into her hair but other times she fights me so she ends up at school with her hair in her eyes looking a bit disheveled. And I'm only
slightly embarrassed. (I just remember the days when she was teeny tiny when she would throw fits when I tried to take her jammies off... so off to school she went in jammies... but that is perfectly acceptable for an infant!)
Typically we are in the car by 7:05 and on the road. I get Peyton to school around 7:30-7:35, jump back in the car and get myself to school (just a few miles down the road) by 7:50. There are good days for drop-off and some not so pleasant ones. Thankfully she has some great teachers this year and LOTS of friends in her class (mainly Abby, Ella, & Evan). And... her classroom has this fancy computer that she LOVES... seriously, I hope her teachers kick her off of it because I know she'd spend all day on it if they let her. During the first week or so of school Peyton was teaching the other kids (and teachers) how to use the computer. Ha! She takes after her Daddy, for sure!