Sunday, November 16, 2008

13 Weeks 5 days

Phew- I'm glad the weekend is over- we were so busy!
On Saturday we had a baby shower for Lisa- it was so much fun to see her open all of her gifts, especially when she got duplicates of things (score for Lori!). We had a wonderful celebration and had the opportunity to spend time with lots of family and friends. My mom helped a lot by picking up food & drinks as well as helping pay for various decorations and such. My sister's friend Cara was also a big help- she helped me decorate & picked up cupcakes- yum.
Lisa got a really cute puppy dog blanket from my mom- as soon as she opened it I asked "do I get one of those?" I didn't mean "do I get one right now?", but my mom couldn't wait to give the cute little puppy to me... so I promptly laid down on the sofa and snuggled with it once all the party guests left.
Although the party was great, I am glad it is over- I was exhausted by the time I got home on Saturday. I could barely keep my eyes open once I got home.
Mom thinks it is great to take pictures of Lisa & my bellies.

My throat started to hurt late Saturday night and I woke up today, Sunday, with an even worse sore throat. I'm sure I'm getting a sinus infection, which I always love. Despite my attempts to stay healthy and take allergy meds, I couldn't hold this off. I have usually had at least one sinus infection by this time in the school year, so I should feel lucky... but usually I tend to be sick all the way from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Lovely... and I don't even know what medications I can take at this point- I'll have to consult my book. :)


Christine said...

How fun that you and your sister are pregnant at the same time. Your little belly is so cute! I am so so happy for you guys!

Susan said...

I love this picture