Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Peyton took her first airplane ride on July 4th. We flew from Phoenix to Milwaukee- and she did great! She nursed at take off, slept for a while, got a diaper change in the seat since the seatbelt sign was on, and then slept through the landing. She was not such a happy camper once Grandpa Bruce picked us up. Apparently an infant can tolerate only so much travel in one day!
While in Oshkosh we stayed with Great-Grandpa Stearns- my dad and uncles grew up in this house, so it is fun to stay there.
Josh, Dad, Uncle Mark, & Uncle Scott all took on the task of replacing the kitchen faucet. This would have been an easy task, but there were no shut-off valves under the sink, so the boys thought this would be a great opportunity to install some. Unfortunately the pipes/plumbing is upwards of 50 years old and does not take "standard" parts. My dad and Josh went to every hardware store in Oshkosh before finding the correct parts (and probably a couple of beers). The finished product looks great though! :)
We also celebrated Great-Grandpa's 80th birthday! Peyton insisted that we take a nap first, so we almost missed dinner but we refused to miss the singing! After cake Aunt Lisa made everyone go outside for family pictures. Of course all the boys were so excited about this!
Peyton enjoyed meeting two of her cousins as well: Natalie & Alexandra. Alexandra decided she wanted a baby sister and her dad, my Uncle Scott, informed her that she already has a little sister.... and that she would not be getting a new one! Sad!
While in Oshkosh we also got to see our friends Joe & Dalene. I worked with Joe in Chandler for several years before his retirement and we always meet up when we are in Wisconsin. He still lives in the valley, but I think I see him more when in WI!

Waiting for her first airplane ride!
With the pilot!
Great Grandpa's house in OshkoshHeilner family & Great-Grandpa on his birthday
Natalie, Grandpa, Peyton, Lori, AlexandraAll the family that was able to attend Grandpa's 80th birthday

Me & my cute baby!

Aunt Sam & PeytonDalene, Lori, Peyton, & JoeHeaded home... we were all tired!

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