Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Peyton is 7 Weeks Old

Peyton is officially 7 weeks old today and grows each day! She is constantly hungry and does well with her feedings for the most part. We are working on going 2 hours between feedings which is not Peyton's favorite part of the day, but she is adjusting well. Her nights are getting better as well and she is not waking as often to nurse (knock on wood). Last night she slept from 10pm until 4:30am... and I had to wake her up at 4:30! We then went back to bed until 8:30 or so! Although I am getting more sleep nowadays I am still exhausted. I don't think I'll ever catch up!
Peyton has officially started smiling! I haven't been able to capture it with the camera (too slow), but it is super cute. She smiles the most in the morning which helps start my day off right. I will post pictures as soon as I can capture a cute one!
The countdown has begun for my summer vacation to end. Peyton will begin daycare on July 21st and I am not looking forward to dropping her off. I know she will be well taken care of and she will be happy, but I'm really enjoying my time with her at home.
Josh, Peyton, and I leave for Wisconsin on Saturday. We are headed to Oshkosh to celebrate my Grandpa's 80th birthday! This will be Peyton's first trip on an airplane- I just hope she is good! We are looking forward to having Peyton meet many of my aunts, uncles, and cousins!
My mom came down today to make Josh and I dinner- pasties and corn-on-the-cob! It was so tasty and she even made us enough for left overs! Peyton enjoys her time with Grandma as well and it is a much needed break for me. I even got to lay in the pool for 20 minutes today! Oh the life I lead!
Enjoy the pictures!
Trying to convince her to smile....

Snuggling with Grandma

Duke & Dutchess wait patiently for Grandma to arrive.

A 1/2 smile

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