Friday, June 12, 2009

Peyton's One Month Check Up

Can you believe Peyton is already a month old?

We went to the doctor's office for a check up and a shot...

Peyton weighs 7 pounds 1.5 ounces and is 20.25 inches long. She is in the 10th percentile for weight and 20th for length. The doctor was not really impressed with Peyton's weight gain- we have to go back on the 18th for a weight check and they will determine then if we need to supplement with formula. We have given her formula every once in a while- she nurses so much that I feel completely dry & empty at times. We try not to give it to her on a regular basis, but she is a growing girl and needs her calories! I've increased my water and caloric intake which I think has increased my milk supply, so hopefully that does the trick!

Watching Peyton get her shot was the saddest thing ever- that poor little cry and the sad sad face! Oh my!!

Many people ask "who does Peyton look like?"

We figured we'd let you all decide.... (leave us a comment with your vote!!)Josh at one month

Peyton at one month

Lori at three months (couldn't find a younger picture!)


Anonymous said...

I vote for Josh, but looking at some younger pictures of Lori, it is close, but Daddy does win

Anonymous said...

She definitely has mommy's eyes and daddy's nose!