Tuesday, November 4, 2008

12 Weeks

Finally- a milestone! I am officially 12 weeks today... although a coworker just informed me that your first trimester doesn't technically end until you are 13 weeks and 2 days. Go figure- she had to burst my bubble. I'm still not feeling great, but I am feeling much better than I was just a few short weeks ago. I made Josh take some belly pictures so you could see that I have been eating WAY too much, but alas, our camera is not cooperating. I will attempt to convince it to work, but I can't promise anything. We might have to take 12 weeks & 2 day pictures! I even made Josh pose for some 12 week photos- I didn't want him to feel left out! And of course the dogs had to be in the picture (well, Dutchess was a little wild so she is kind of all over the place).
My sister had her "work" baby shower on Sunday (the 2nd), so my mom and I went to celebrate this her. I made a really cute diaper cake that everyone loved- I was proud. :) Of course I'd post pictures of it if my camera was cooperating!!
I'll update again when I have pictures- sorry for being boring!

Edit 11/11: My mom emailed me a picture of the diaper cake I made. Someday when my camera is working I will upload more pictures. :)


Jennifer said...

I'm still waiting for pictures................. :)

Gina said...

I want to see you with a cute little belly.

Kristi Hanson said...

Cool site!

Susan said...

Your cake is much nicer than the ones in the store