Saturday, September 26, 2009

Peyton at One Month

I was looking through all of Peyton's pictures and found this one that I thought was funny. It's amazing to see how much hair she has lost... poor girl! Hope she isn't bald for Christmas!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Four Months

Here are Peyton's 4 Month Stats....

11 pounds 9.5 ounces (just over 10 percentile)
24 inches long (25th percentile)
15.75 inches head circumference (25th percentile)

Josh took her to the appointment today- I didn't want to watch her get any shots this time. She did well- of course she screamed, but Josh was able to calm her after a little while. Now we are pondering the cereal... when to start... hmmm.....

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rolling Over

Peyton can officially roll over! She mostly goes from back to front, but every once in a while I can catch her going front to back. She still gets her arm stuck sometimes, but she is getting better each day. She is also doing really well holding her head up now. What happened to the tiny baby we brought home from the hospital???

This video is from a couple of weeks ago, so she is not quite this slow anymore. :)

New Outfit Week

In an effort to make sure Peyton wore most of her 0-3 month clothing, I proclaimed last week as "new outfit week". Each day (Monday-Friday) Peyton had to wear a brand new outfit that she had never worn before. Here are the results...

Tuesday... (yes, the blanket matches her outfit... as do her socks!)
Wednesday... (yes, her bib matches her outfit)

Thursday... ok, so we had a bit of an issue on Thursday. First outfit... blow-out at home. Second outfit (also new)... blow-out at school... had to be changed into an "old" outfit... very sad.
