Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Potty Training!

So I'm a little behind in my updates, but we are happy to announce that Peyton is now potty trained!  She still wears a diaper at night... sometimes it is dry in the morning, sometimes not so much, but we are a-ok with that!  We started potty training at the end of the school year last year.  She did ok, but got distracted at school and would forget to go to the potty.  Over the summer we worked really hard and had some great days and some not-so-great days! 
The first few days of the school year were a little wet, but mostly because she struggled to get her panties and shorts off fast enough once she realized she needed to go!  Sometimes getting Peyton to stop what she is doing is still a struggle, but overall she is doing great.
Love this little girl!

Monday, August 27, 2012

A few funny quotes

Last weekend I had to run to the Verizon store for just a "quick" moment.  That "quick" moment turned into at least 20 minutes... whatever.  Peyton and I entertained ourselves!  While we were there, sitting around... waiting... and waiting... and waiting... I asked Peyton, "Peyton, who is your favorite mommy?".  She looked me square in the eyes and said, "Aunt Lisa".  Ummm... thanks kid... thanks a lot.  
A while later her nose was runny.  I frantically looked in my purse for a tissue and couldn't find ANY. (note to self, put kleenex in NOW).  Anyway, I looked and Peyton and said, "Oh! Your nose is running... shoot I don't have any tissues!!".  Again, Peyton looked at me square in the eyes and said, "That's ok Mommy, I have my tongue."  I gagged and just about threw up right there in the store.  GROSS.  Thankfully I had a random clean sock in my purse that I was able to use to wipe her nose prior to her using her tongue!
Seriously, this kid cracks me up.  Her language skills amaze me almost everyday.  She is really able to communicate her thoughts and feelings to us and it makes life so much easier some days.  She is a great listener!  The afternoons can be hard after a long day at school, sometimes she forgets her listening ears at school, but MOST days she does great.  I'm so impressed.

True love

Monday, July 30, 2012

Swimming Lessons

 For the first time, Peyton took swimming lessons!  We signed up through the City of Chandler and went to one of the aquatic centers each morning (M-Th) for two weeks.  The lessons were 25 minutes long.  I was not expecting much from these lessons, but it is amazing what the teacher was able to cram into those 25 minutes.  Peyton gained lots of confidence in the water and is now able to go underwater!  I am seriously so proud of her!  She loves doing her "floats" especially in the bathtub and begs to go diving for rings if we are at the pool.

California Adventure!

I don't have time to recount all the details of our brief trip to California, but here are a few pictures!  We had a great time... Peyton saw and touched the ocean for the first time, we went to Sea World.... fabulous!

Summer Vacation is Over?

Summer vacation was suppose to be a lovely 6 weeks for me to keep up on the blog, take lots of fun and creative pictures, and really spend some quality time with Peyton.  Ok, so I spent a TON of time with Peyton (some days I would argue that I spent too much time with her, but most days I could have spent more hours with her!).... and I took some pictures... but this whole blog thing?  Um yeah, that didn't happen.  Nor did the creative and fun pictures... such is life.
Peyton and I are back to school full-time and we are struggling to get into the routine.  Our mornings over the summer were lazy- laying in bed watching cartoons, snuggling, reading stories... not so anymore!  I get up first (I consider it the butt crack of dawn, but since Josh has left the house and is at work by the time I wake up, I won't make that remark!).  I try to get myself ready as much as possible before waking Peyton up at 6:30.  She sits in our bed and watches cartoons for a few minutes while I finish my make-up or hair... or get dressed... whatever I haven't accomplished yet.  By about 6:45 I sit down to get Peyton dressed and comb out her hair.  Usually if she is a little distracted I can throw a ponytail into her hair but other times she fights me so she ends up at school with her hair in her eyes looking a bit disheveled.  And I'm only slightly embarrassed. (I just remember the days when she was teeny tiny when she would throw fits when I tried to take her jammies off... so off to school she went in jammies... but that is perfectly acceptable for an infant!)
Typically we are in the car by 7:05 and on the road.  I get Peyton to school around 7:30-7:35, jump back in the car and get myself to school (just a few miles down the road) by 7:50.  There are good days for drop-off and some not so pleasant ones.  Thankfully she has some great teachers this year and LOTS of friends in her class (mainly Abby, Ella, & Evan).  And... her classroom has this fancy computer that she LOVES... seriously, I hope her teachers kick her off of it because I know she'd spend all day on it if they let her.  During the first week or so of school Peyton was teaching the other kids (and teachers) how to use the computer.  Ha!  She takes after her Daddy, for sure!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Pedicure Time!

One of the gifts Peyton got for her birthday was a Princess Kit from Maddie.  The kit included a cell phone, princess tiara, lip gloss, and nail polish.  Oh goodie.... :)
I was pretty sure Peyton had forgotten about the lip gloss and nail polish... but unfortunately she hadn't.  She asked to paint her toe nails and I couldn't say no.  I gave her strict rules of only painting her toe nails (fail) and only painting on the tile (success).  Thankfully the nail polish is kid friendly... it doesn't smell and it peels right off! 

Breakfast with the Elephants!

Peyton and I celebrated Mother's Day with a trip to the zoo for "Breakfast with the Elephants".  Lisa and Brady went with us as well.  After a quick breakfast of people food, a few stations of Elephant games, we headed to the elephant area to hide cookies!

8th Grade Dance

My school's 8th grade dance (semi-formal.... kids think it is prom...) happened to be on Peyton's birthday this year.  I took Peyton last year and she had a great time, so this year all three of us trekked down to school to see all the kids in their fancy gear.  Peyton had a great time dancing and playing with the other teacher kids. :)

Peyton's THIRD Birthday

I can't believe my baby is three! 

Her birthday happened to land on a Saturday this year, so we actually had her party ON her birthday!  Yeah!
We had her party at the same park that Brady had his third birthday at- it worked out well since it was in our neighborhood and NOT at our house. :)
We decided (ok, I decided...) on a garden theme- I had seen so many cute ideas online and on pinterest (most addicting site ever...).  Not more than a week before her party, Peyton informed me that she wanted a giraffe party.  Sorry kid... that wasn't going to happen!

Her cupcakes were actually baked in flower pots- then I used green icing and chocolate cookie crumbles.  Added a gummy worm and flower to the top... viola!

We also planted flowers in small flowerpots that Peyton and I had painted with chalkboard paint... first we had to decorate, then we got to plant! 

Playing on the playground with family & friends....


 Family Fun: