Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Late winter/ early spring is always a rough time in the health department.  I have chronic sinus infections and Peyton seems to be following in my unhealthy footsteps.  In February of 2010, Peyton had RSV.  She wasn't hospitalized and it wasn't severe, but I think it was enough to weaken her immune system during this time of year.
She started February with a slight case of pneumonia.  Poor baby.  She stayed home for a few days, but seemed to feel better fairly quick.  She started to develop a cough that I immediately identified as croup... you could have bet money that there was a seal living in her bedroom... bark bark bark all night long.  Her barking coughing would wake her (and me) up in the middle of the night, so then she would want to snuggle in bed with us.  Then she would continue to cough... in my face... particularly my ears.  So of course I develop a cough/cold.  And during this time, Josh is dealing with some type of infection as well- chest, ear, etc.  We were all so fun to be around.
Josh took Peyton to the dr. and he gave her some asthma medication... she did 5 days worth, but she still has a cough... not the barking cough anymore, but it usually flairs up the worst at night and doesn't allow her to sleep very well.  And by "doesn't allow her to sleep very well", I actually me "don't allow LORI to sleep very well". Such is the life of a mommy... and I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

February 2010

February Posts & Valentine's Day

Um right... so my New Years Resolution was to update the blog more... and I did pretty well in January... but some how February just slipped right by.  Well, technically I still have a few hours left so maybe I will be able to redeem myself... maybe.
Valentine's Day snuck up on me so fast this year.  It was the 12th of February and I was convinced it was still January.  Close family members got a generic Valentine's day card with a few scribbles from Peyton.  Looking closely at the card, most people can discover that Peyton's scribbles are actually "P"'s.  She is getting pretty good at writing P and E.  Actually, she just started writing the E in the past few days.  But it is clear... usually with 4 lines instead of just the 3, but whatever.  It's obviously an E.
Josh got Peyton a jump rope for Valentines Day. Check out the cute video. Earlier I had showed her how to use it (thank God we didn't get a video of that).