Monday, September 14, 2009

Four Months

Here are Peyton's 4 Month Stats....

11 pounds 9.5 ounces (just over 10 percentile)
24 inches long (25th percentile)
15.75 inches head circumference (25th percentile)

Josh took her to the appointment today- I didn't want to watch her get any shots this time. She did well- of course she screamed, but Josh was able to calm her after a little while. Now we are pondering the cereal... when to start... hmmm.....


nate and marne said...

wow lori, she is a teeny girl!! she is adorable too, i don't know if i told you that. my oldest son was 16lbs at 2 mo, and 24 at 4 mo!! now, my baby is 15 mo, and finally reached 20lbs. they are all so different. enjoy her, the time goes by so quickly!!

The Hayes Family said...

Brady says "Yummmm...cereal!"