Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our Garden

We decided to build and plant a garden!  And by "we", I mean Josh built and planted while Peyton and I supervised.  Peyton loved being a part of the garden experience.  She was super helpful, especially when she put the rocks INTO the garden area, instead of taking them out... or when she filled her dress with dirt...  She also helped by using the water from her water table in order to "wash the mud".  
We already have some tomatoes on one of the plants... hopefully we can get some bell peppers too.  A friend of mine has a garden in her backyard and while at her son's birthday party, her husband told us we could pick some chili peppers and see if they would grow in our garden.  I'm thinking about starting them in a pot before transplanting into the garden.  Hopefully we can get those to grow too!
I'm certainly not expecting to supplement our dietary needs with this garden, but hopefully we can get a few things to grow and continue to add to it.  The cool think about this "garden kit" is that you can purchase more kits and then fit right together... once we get this garden established maybe we will attempt a 2nd. 

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