Monday, June 7, 2010

Peyton's 1 Year Check-Up

I took Peyton to her well-check on May 17th (ok, so I'm slow in posting the details!)

Her stats were as follows:
Weight: 16 pounds 9.5 ounces (3rd percentile)
Length: 28.25 inches
Head Circumference: 17.75 inches

Our little girl is growing so fast!  She is still wearing 6-9 month clothing, but it really depends on the brand as well.  In some brands she can still wear 3-6 months and in others she can wear 12 months.  In terms of shorts/pants, however, she is still in 6 months and maybe a 9 month every once in a while. 
People always like to tell me "oh my, some babies are born that big!"  Thank you, Peyton, for being on the small-ish side and not weighing 16 pounds at birth!  I get tired carrying you around now... can't imagine if you had been this big months ago.

Peyton is walking and running like crazy.  It's hard to keep up with her at times.  She loves chasing Duke and racing for the stairs.  You can't turn your back on her for one quick second.  She recently discovered the doggie door and it's convenience.  Every once in a while she will drop a toy out the door and then look at me like "well, my TOY is outside, I MUST go get it!"  Nice....

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